Super Sweet Blog Award


Thank you so much Working Mother Assistant for nominating me for the Super Sweet Blogger award!! This award makes me hungry reading the questions to answer. While I usually am more of a salty snack lover, I certainly can put away some mini Mr Goodbars because their size seems to make it acceptable to devour 15 in one sitting. But, I digress.

I am so thankful to Working Mother Assistant for her nomination because I will readily admit, I love validation, but I am also thankful to her for her great tips on traveling with a toddler. I will be using her tip of reusable sticker books this coming weekend on our trip to Montana. Wish me luck!

The rules for those nominated:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions, listed below.

3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post.

4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.

5. Notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog.

1. Cookies or Cake?

Cookies, I’m not much of a cake fan unless it has ice cream in it. As for cookies, I’m a white chocolate chip macadamia nut kind of girl.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?


3. Favorite Sweet Treat?

As mentioned above, if there are mini Mr Goodbars lying around..which there usually are as my husband maintains what he calls “the candy shop” in our laundry room, then I will sneak in there throughout the day and grab a handful, shove them in my mouth and walk back out as if nothing happened and continue telling my daughter to finish her carrots.

4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most?

Middle of the day

5. Sweet Nick Name?

My son is my lil muffin, booboo, bubba or stinker. My daughter is pooh, lil miss, babe, etc. Hubby doesn’t really have a sweet name, poor guy. I’m just babe.

Nominees (in no particular order): 

  1. Mummy Says
  2. Did That Just Happen Blog
  3. Momtimes4
  4. Atlantamomofthree
  5. The Adventures of Fanny P
  6. Surprised By Joy
  7. “Normal” is the New boring
  8. Mentalmom02’s Blog
  9. How to Ruin a Toddler’s Day
  10. Mama Miller Parenting
  11. White Elephant in the Room
  12. Twinfamy
  13. The Adventures of Supermom

Thank you again, this is such a fun perk of blogging!

Happy Tuesday!

7 thoughts on “Super Sweet Blog Award

  1. LOL about your “candy shop”/laundry room! 😉
    Thank you for nominating me. xo You definitely deserve the award!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! I had to laugh, cause I think every parent has a “secret” stash of candy – I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve had to sneak a treat, I feel somewhat guilty for not wanting to share, but the chocolate usually covers that guilt right up!

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